析因实验:Factorial experiment
析因设计:Factorial design
析取记号:disjunction sign
析取范式:disjunctive normal form
希洛夫边界:shilov boundary
希罗公式:Heron's formula
希腊数字:greek numerals
希耳微分方程:hill differential equation
希耳伯特问题:hilbert problems
希耳伯特模形式:hilbert modular form
希耳伯特模群:hilbert modular group
希耳伯特模函数:hilbert modular function
希耳伯特零点定理:hilbert nullstellensatz
希耳伯特矩阵:hilbert matrix
希耳伯特基定理:basis theorem of hilbert
希耳伯特积分:hilbert integral
希耳伯特超平行体:hilbert cube
希耳伯特不等式:hilbert inequality
吸引区:attractive manifold
吸引范围:Alluring Areas
吸收媒体:absorbing medium
误差曲线:error curve
误差平方和:square sum of error
误差论:Theory of Error
误差方差:error variance
误差的均方:mean square of error
误差的补偿:compensation of error
误差传播:Error transmission
物理学中的不等式:inequalities in physics
物理学中的逼近法:approximation methods in physics
五位数的:five figure
五色定理:five-colo(u)r theorem
五球坐标:pentaspherical coordinates
五面的:five sided
五进记数法:quinary notation
五角锥:pentagonal pyramid
五点有限差分格式:five point finite difference scheme
五次曲线:quintic curve
五次曲面:quintic surface
五次方程:equation of 5-th order
无重复排列:permutation without repetition
无源向量场:source free vector field
无因次量:dimensionless variable
无序对:unordered pair
无向图:undirected graph
无向棱:undirected edge