同类根式:like surd
同阶无穷大:infinite of the same order
同化拓扑:identification topology
同构域:isomorphic field
同构型:isomorphism type
同构象:isomorphic image
同构问题:Isomorpbism pmblems
同构条件:isomorphic condition
同构群:isormorphic groups
同构类:isomorphism classes
同构定理:isomorphism theorem
同构不变量:isomorphism invariant
同构半序集:isomorphic partially ordered set
同方向向量:vector of the same direction
同度量度换:isometric transformation
同碟数:homological algebra
同爹:basis for homology
同凋列:homology sequence
同凋:homology sphere
同掂:homology class
同第零:homologous to zero
同帝:homology theory
同底序列:homology spectral sequence
同滴:homology manifold
同低:homology type
同邓算:homology operation
同等价复形:homology equivalent complex
同等价:homology equivalence
同祷变量:homological invariant
同岛:homology group
同惮数:homological dimension
同弹子:homology functor
同担:homology module
同单形映射:homologous simplicial map
同单形:homology simplex
同步现象:synchromzation phenomena
通用子群:universal subgroup
通用映射:universal map
通用集合:universal set
通用函数:General Function
通用关系:unified relationship
通用覆盖群:universal covering group
通用覆盖廖:universal covering manifold
通用覆盖:universal covering
通用丛:universal bundle
通用包络代数:universal enveloping algebra