集团选择法:Bulk selection method
集体饲养:collective raising
集体草地:collective pasture
集水的水:catched water
集谷器谷粒收集器:grain catcher
集草叉:hay fork
棘头虫病:acanthocephala disease,acanthocephalasis
疾病累进曲线:disease process curve
急性毒性试验:acute toxic test
极值实验设计:design of extreme experiment
极早熟品种:level paedogeuesis breed
极性移动:polar movement
极细胞:polar cell
极微染色体变化:crypto structural change
极体:Polar Body
极气温:extremum air temperature
极谱分析法:Porlarographic analysis
极核:polar nucleus
极感:highly susceptibility
即时盐酸处理:immediate hydrochloric acid treatment
汲水器提水泵:lift pump
激素缺乏症:hormone deficiency
激素拮抗剂:hormone antagonist
激素剂:hormone preparation
激动中心:activating centre
畸形卵:teratoid egg
畸形精子:deformed sperm
畸形茧:abnormal cocoon;malformed cocoon
基因作用:gene's effect
基因中心:gene center
基因载体:Gene carrier
基因要素:gene element
基因修饰细菌:genetically modified bacteria
基因型环境相互作用:genotype environment interaction
基因文库:Genomic library
基因频率估计:estimation of gene frequency
基因配置:gene arrangement
基因内最小单位:intragenic minimum unit
基因内接合:intragenomic conjugation
基因内交叉:intragenic crossover
基因量补偿:gene dosage compensation
基因量:gene dosage
基因间排列:intergenic arrangement
基因记号:gene symbol
基因标记:gene marking
基耶达法:kjeldahl's method