转子中心体:center body of rotor
转子中心孔:rotor center hole
转子中心部,转子中心:rotor center
转子制动工况,转子止转工况:locked-rotor condition
转子止转温升,堵转温升:locked-rotor temperature-rise
转子止转试验,堵转子试验:blocked rotor test
转子止转试验:rotor-blocked test
转子支架,转子支臂:rotor spider
转子支架(水轮发电机):rotor field spider
转子支架:rotor spider
转子支承系统固有频率:natural frequency of rotor/bearing system
转子振动:rotor vibration
转子杂散磁场:rotor stray field
转子圆周速度:rotor peripheral speed
转子应力分布:rotor stress distribution
转子应力程序:rotor stress program
转子应力:rotor stress
转子相位:rotor phase
转子相角差(负荷角):rotor displacement angle
转子线匝:rotor turn
转子线圈连接:rotor coil connection
转子线圈:rotor winding
转子线槽:rotor slot
转子线棒,转子导条:rotor bar
转子温度梯度:rotor temperature gradient
转子位置传感器:rotor position sensor
转子位移角:rotor displacement angle
转子弯曲,转子挠度:rotor bow
转子外径:rotor diameter
转子外环,磁轭(水轮发电机):rotor exterior ring
转子铜线:rotor copper
转子铁心装配:rotor-core assemble
转子铁心冲片:rotor-core lamination
转子铁损:rotor iron loss
转子铁,转子铁心:rotor iron
转子体积:rotor volume
转子体,无叶片转子:rotor without blades
转子损耗:rotor losses
转子水箱:rotor water box
转子收缩:rotor contraction
转子式喷燃器:rotary burner
转子失步角:pull-out rotor angle
转子深鼠笼条:deep rotor-bar
转子绕组,转子线圈:rotor winding
转子平衡精度:balance quality of rotor
转子偏移:Rotor's Drift
转子偏心距:rotor eccentricity
转子膨胀:rotor expansion
转子挠度:rotor sagging
转子密封:rotor seal