自动墨斗:Auto-Marking Gauge
自动灭火材料:self-extinguishing material
自动灭火泵:automatic fire pump
自动煤气燃烧的水加热器:automatic gas fired water heater
自动流平砂浆:self-levelling screed
自动垃圾收集系统:automated refuse collection system
自动空气调节器:air governor
自动空气调节:automatic air conditioning
自动开门装置:automatic door operator
自动开闭门:automatic opener
自动火警警报系统:automatic fire alarm system [AFA system]
自动绘图压密仪:autographic oedometer
自动回水管路:automatic return of water
自动回水隔汽阀:automatic return trap
自动化中央真空垃圾收集系统:automated central vacuum refuse collection system
自动化中央垃圾收集系统:automatic central refuse collection system
自动归零:Automatic zero set
自动关闸设备:automatic access control equipment
自动关闭龙头:self-closing tap
自动关闭防火门:self closing fire door
自动鼓式海绵砂光机:automatic sponge drum sander
自动供热:automatic heating
自动攻牙锁螺丝机:automatic tapping and screwing machine
自动仿型刨边机(双轴)(附安全门):automatic copy shaper(double heads)(with splash guard)
自动仿型刨边机(单刀):automatic copy shaper
自动防火门:automatic closing door
自动定平水准仪:automatic level
自动带式砂光机:automatic strake belt sander
自动打桩机:autmatic ram pile driver
自动锉(圆)锯机:automatic circular saw sharpener
自动冲洗水箱:automatic washing tank
自动铲运机:motor scraper
自动测水准仪:self leveling level
自动闭合装置:automatic closing device
自动(火花)点火装置:automatic (spark)ignition device
自动(抚摸)砂光机:automatic stroke belt sander
自承重的墙:self supporting wall
字形剖面:i section
字形梁:tee beam
子槽:pilot channel
资助自置居所单位:subsidized home ownership flat
资助自置居所:subsidized home ownership
资助入息限额:subsidy income limit
资助工程计划:subvented building project
资助房屋:subsidized housing
资助单位:subsidized flat
资料展示:Data display