踏板力:pedal force
踏板回位弹簧力:pedal return spring load
踏板回位弹簧刚度:pedal return spring rate
踏板回位弹簧:clutch pedal retrun spring
踏板护套:pedal pad
塔式超重机:tower crane
锁止式制动气室:lock brake chamber
锁止式液力变矩器:lock-up torque converter
锁止腔:lock chamber
锁止离合器:lockup clutch
锁销:lock pin; lock latch; detent,locking pin,striker pin
锁上凸块:locking lug
锁圈槽沟:gutter groove
锁圈槽顶:gutter tip
锁定调整电磁线圈:MLUS Modulated Lockup Solenoid
锁定电磁阀:LUS Lock-Up Solenoid
琐止弹簧:lock spring
索控式:DBW Drive-by-Wire
索华空调:air conditioner shuhau
索华柜式空调:cabinet A/C Shuhua
所需增压电压:BSTD Desired-Boost-Voltage
缩小比(减压比):reduction ratio
缩微图纸:microfiche files
缩颈试验:constriction test
梭梁:stabilizing beam
榫槽凸块:tonqgue and groove coupling
损耗指数:loss index
碎片试验:fragmentation test
碎火压床:quench pressing machine
随车自诊电脑:OBC On-Board Computer
随车工具:tool kit
随车电脑,车上电脑:OBC On-Board Computer
算术平均值:Arithmetical mean
算术及逻辑单位:ALU Arithmetic and Logical Unit
酸性水汽提塔:soul water stripper
酸洗工段房-冲压库:acid rinsing shop-stamping warehouse
酸罐车:Acid tanker
塑料焊枪:plastic welder
速控压力:speed control pressure
速控阀:governor valve
速度密度最佳装置:SDA Speed Density Adaptive
速度控制指令开关:SCCS Speed Control Command Switch
速度控制真空:SCVAC Speed Control Vacuum
速度控制通气口:SCVNT Speed Control Vent
速度控制开关:velocity control switch
速度控制点火:SCS Speed Controlled Spark