周末旅游车辆:RV;recreational vehicle
周边血:peripheral blood
舟尾尖舱舱壁:after peak bulkhead
州消防训练计划:state fire training program
州林务局长:state forester
州矿业局:S.M.B.;State Mining Bureau
州紧急响应委员会:State Emergency Response Commission
重装备运输工具:heavy equipment transport
重装备:heavy equipment
重质可燃物:coarse fuel
重质苯:heavy benzene
重要功能:main function
重型装卸堆垛车:industrial truck
重型消防炮车:heavy-duty apparatus
重新填缝压力:resealing pressure
重铁铤:door breaker
重伤:griveous bodily harm
重盘式浮阀:ballast valve
重力有利条件:gravity chance
重力水箱:gravity tank
重力-气压系统:gravity-pneumatic system
重力-气压滑槽系统:gravity-pneumatic chute system
重力供暖系统:gravity system
重力给水系统:gravity water distribution system
重复启闭喷水灭火系统:cycling sprinkler
重叠位置:bedded position
重氮化处理:diazotization process
重大事故:major accidents
重大紧急事件:major emergency
重大火灾损失的原因:cause of large loss
重大火灾:disastrous fire
重病医疗保险:major medical
衷减指示器:fade indicator
钟形挖掘:belled excavation
终身丧失工作能力的损伤:permanent impairment
终身丧失工作能力的伤残:permanent total disability
中置泵:centrally-mounted pump
中央探测器:central detector
中央式暖气炉:central warm air furnace
中央林务署:central forest office
中央建筑研究所:CRIS;Central Research Institute of Structure
中压水雾系统:intermediate water mist system
中压泵:medium lift pump,middle pressure pump
中学同等学力证书:high-school equivalency certificate
中性模糊理论:neural fuzzy theory
中性面高度:neutral plane height
中心指挥所:central command post
中心站系统:central station system
中心站服务:central station service