中心控制台:centralized control console
中心控制盘:central operator
中心开花烧除:center firing
中心发泡室分配系统:central foam house distributing system
中心带:central zone
中校:lieutenant colonel
中温:moderate temperature
中庭蓄烟池:atrium reservoir
中庭天窗:atrium skylight
中暑性痛痉:heat cramp
中暑衰竭:heat prostration
中式盐:normal salt
中间站:intermediate station
中间储存器:temporary storage
中间层顶板:blind ceiling
中间包装:intermediate package
中继站:relay station
中继消火栓:reverse hydrant
中继供水水带:relay supply-hose
中级油:meddle oil
中火灾负荷用房:occupancy of moderate fire load
中火灾:medium fire
中和压力面:neutral pressure plane
中国消防协会:CFPA;China Fire Protection Association
中队日记:company journal
中度烧伤:Moderate degree burn
中毒死:death by poisoning
中等规模:medium scale
中倍数泡沫液:medium expansion foaming agent
中倍数泡沫灭火剂:medium expansion foam extinguishing agent
中倍数泡沫发生装置:medium-expansion foam-generating equipment
中倍数泡沫:medium expansion foam
中倍泡沫炮:medium expansion monitor
中倍泡沫管枪:medium expansion foam branchpipe
中背压系统:intermediate back-pressure system
中背压泡沫分布系统:intermediate back-pressure foam distributing system
中班:afternoon shift,back-shift,middle shift,swing shift
置信节:confidence interval
置换序:replacement series
智能模拟:intelligent simulation
智能计算器:intelligent computer
智能火灾显示盘:intelligent fire indication panel
智能点型探测系统:intelligent point detection system
智能报警和探测系统:intelligent alarm and detection system
窒息作用:smothering action
窒息性毒物:asphyxiant toxicant