正棘爪:positive pawl
正常温度和压力:normal temperature and pressure
正常燃烧条件:nonknocking condition
正常火险季节:normal fire season
正常呼吸量:tidal volume
正常电源:normal power supply
正比例水表:proportional type meter
整周:whole round
蒸汽探测系统:vapor detection system
蒸气窒息:steam smother
蒸气消防系统:steam fire protection system
蒸气稀释:vapor dilution
蒸气体积:vapor volume
蒸气驱动的消防泵:steam-driven fire pump
蒸气清洁:steam cleaning
蒸气喷射系统:steam injection system
蒸气喷杆:steam lance
蒸气灭火系统:vapor extinguishing system
蒸气灭火:extinction using vapour
蒸气密度比:vapor density ratio
蒸气密度:vapor density
蒸气回收装置:vapor recovery unit
蒸气过量区:vapor area
蒸气拱顶贮槽:vapor dome tank
蒸气供暖系统:steam heating system
蒸气的脱脂:degreasing of vapor
蒸气处理系统:vapor processing system
蒸气处理设备:vapor processing equipment
蒸气除油:vapor degreasing
蒸气超压开关:excessive steam pressure switch
蒸气标准时间-温度曲线:steam standard time-temperature curve
蒸气泵:steam driven pump
蒸气爆炸:vapor explosion
蒸馏粗碳酸:distilled crude carbolic acid
蒸馏粗甲苯基酸:distilled crude cresylic acid
震前防灾准备:earthquake disaster preparedness
震离:jounce distance
震后火灾:post-earthquake fire
振源:vibration source
振后修复:seismic rehabilitation
振害调查:seismic damage investigation
砧积云:anvil cloud
真正安全的:intrinsically safe
真硝甘炸药:true dynamite
真空压力阀:vacuum pressure valves