做自营:as principal
做工精细:fine workmanship
做工讲究:exquisite (in) workmanship
做代理:as agent
坐盘:Take position
坐禅:metta or transcendental meditation
作成会计帐;有往来帐项:to make out an account with
左右为难:between the devil and the deep blue sea;between the rock and the hard place
遵纪守法、廉洁奉公:observe the relevant code of conduct and the law and honestly perform one's official duties
罪责自负原则:principal of bearing responsibility solely for one's own crime
罪刑相适应原则:principle of suiting punishment to crime
罪刑法定原则:the principle of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime
最终市场协会:TMA Terminal Market Association
最终使用:final utilization
最终实现人民币的自由兑换:the free convertibility of the RMB will evenly be instituted the RMB will finally become a convertible currency
最终借款人:ultimate borrower
最终价值;电视:TV terminal value;television
最终购买者:ultimate purchaser
最早可能日期:EPD earliest possible date
最优配置:optimal allocation
最新新闻:hot news
最新工工艺:latest technology
最小平方回归法:least square regression method
最小平方法:least squares method
最末期大笔还清:Balloon payment
最佳投资组合:optimum portfolio
最佳股票:prime paper
最佳方法规定:best method rule
最后时限:DLD deadline date
最后结算:FS final settlement
最后贷款人:lender of last resort
最后裁决书:final award
最好的价值:best value
最高人民检察院:the Supreme People's Procuratorate
最高人民法院:Supreme People's Court
最底订货量:EOQ economic order quantity
最低资本额制度:The institution of minimum amount of the registered capital
最低值、最小量:min minimum
最低现金持有量(需求):minimum cash requirements
最低生活保证制度:system for ensuring a minimum standard of living
最低工资保障制度:minimum wage guarantee system
最低贷款利率:minimum leading rate(MLR)
最低报价:lowest offer
最低保证金,维持保证金:maintenance margin
最大跌幅:Maximum Drawdown
最大500家企业:Top 500 enterprises
最初谈判权(初谈权):INRs (Initial Negotiating Rights)
最诚信的:Uberrimae fidei of the utmost good faith
最不发达国家:least developed country