三鲜锅贴:"Three flavour"fried meat dumplings
三鲜锅粑汤:Three flavour crispy rice soup
三鲜干丝汤:Vermicelli soup with "three fresh ingredients"
三鲜冬瓜盅:Winter melon(white gourd)bowl with"three fresh ingredients"
三鲜炒面:Friednoodles with "three fresh delicacies"
三峡水利枢纽二期工程:the second phase of the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River
三位制:three position system
三位式色灯号志:three position color light signal
三位式号志:three position signal
三位式:three position
三维网状结构:three dimensional net structure
三弯矩理论:theory of three mement
三通 的现译文:three links link of trade,travel and post
三索锦蛇:Elaphe radiata
三四五直角规约:three four five rule
三思而后行。:Score twice before you cut once.
三丝鱼翅汤:Shark's fin soup with three shredded ingredients
三丝鱼翅:Shark's fin with three shredded ingredients
三丝美鲍:American abalone with three shredded ingredients
三丝烩鸭:Duck with three sliced meats
三丝冬粉:Three shreds with winter noodles
三丝炒面:Fried noodles with three shredded ingredients
三式拼盘:Three kinds of hors d'oeuvres
三时相号志:three phase signal
三十六计,走为上计。:Go while the going is good.
三色拼盘:Three kinds of cold meat
三色鸡肉汤:Three coloured chicken soup
三色黄瓜卷:Three coloured cucumber stuffed rolls
三色红瓢虫:Amida tricolor
三缺一:three players looking for one more player
三权分立(立法、行政、司法);分权而立;分权:separation of powers
三钦拱:three hinged arch
三品炖锅:Three kinds of meat in hot pot
三拼:Three kinds of hors d'oeuvres
三路禽心:three way frog
三菱重工:Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
三磷尿苷:Uracylic Acid
三梁天秤:triple beam balance
三联开关:three way switch
三力矩公式:three moment equation
三力矩定理:theorem of three moment
三垒接桩:triple lap pile
三镜宽角摄影术:trimetrogon photography
三镜宽角括影机:trimetrogon camera
三镜宽角测图法:trimetrogon method
三截窗:three light window