日本鹡鸰:Motacilla grandis
日本歌鸲:Luscinia akahige
仍然希望:It is still to be hoped that
韌性指數:Toughness index
韧粘土,硬粘土:stiff clay
韧性粒子:tenacity particle
韧铁:tough iron
韧炼铜:touch pitch copper
任意欺负某人:Walk all over someone
任意分布法:Distribution-free method
任意方向上的加速度:Acceleration in an arbitrary direction
任意层内部导通孔:any layer inner via hole (ALIVH)
任意摆布某人:have someone dancing on a string
认知测试:recognition tests
认识论网络:epistemological network
认识(认识)能力:ability of cognizance
认可私营实验室:accredited private laboratory
认可程序(点票):approved programme [vote counting]
认付费:acceptance fee
刃口角:tool angle
人字屋顶:gable roof(ridge roof)
人字木:truss principal
人员流动:pedestrian flow
人胰岛素:Human insulin
人行悬道,步道托架:sidewalk bracket
人行道线:sidewalk marking
人行玻璃道:sidewalk light
人微言轻:The reasons of the poor weight not.
人体解剖与组织胚胎学:Human Anatomy,Histology and Embryology
人体工学设计:Ergonomic Design
人事部职员:Personnel Clerk
人事部经理:human resources managers
人山人海:crowded conditions
人权事务委员会(联合国):Human Rights Committee [United Nations]
人权教育活动资助计划:Community Participation Scheme on Human Rights Projects
人民检察院检察长:Procurator-General,People's procuratorates
人民法院院长:President,People's Courts
人民法庭庭长:Chief Judge,People's Tribunals
人民代表:people`s delegate
人民保险公司:People'sInsurance Agency
人们为什么热衷于摸彩票?:Why Do People Like to Try Their Luck on Lottery?
人力资源信息系统:Human Resource Information System
人力资源认证协会:the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI
人力资源开发:Human resources development
人力资源计划:manpower planning
人力资源管理:human resources management