Leaders laud China's progress


Amid mounting global challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, peace and development deficits and rising threats of climate change, a modern socialist China has become the engine for human development thanks to the governance philosophy of the Communist Party of China, foreign political leaders said.

Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which represents the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context, has guided the nation to achieve rapid economic growth and long-term social stability while contributing to world peace and development, they said at the CPC and World Marxist Political Parties Forum on Thursday.

Mohamed Farag, deputy general secretary of the National Progressive Unionist Party of Egypt, lauded the people-centered philosophy embodied in the Thought, saying that the CPC has been pursuing inclusive development and social governance, which are valuable experiences for other political parties to emulate.

Impressed by China's progress in multiple areas such as poverty alleviation, anticorruption and the fight against the pandemic, Farag said such efforts have improved the wellbeing of the Chinese people.

The CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people have united with one heart and took swift measures to combat COVID-19, a testament to the Party's ability to respond to people's needs, he added.

Jacques Cheminade, chairman of the French political party Solidarity and Progress, said the Thought, putting people first and championing common development, is in line with the requirements of global development.

The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative has gone beyond infrastructure building and now extends to areas such as technological innovation, Cheminade said, adding that China has continuously contributed to global growth and achieved mutual benefit and win-win results with countries involved in the Initiative.

He also highlighted that China endeavors to build a beautiful modern socialist country that pursues harmony between humans and nature, saying it shows the CPC's broad and long-term vision as well as China's responsibility as a major country.

Saying that the Thought adapts the basic tenets of Marxism to China's specific realities and combines with the country's excellent traditional culture, Mamadou Lamine Ba, a member of the Central Committee and the Political Bureau of the Independence and Labor Party of Senegal, expressed hope that the Party can share its wisdom on governance with the vast number of developing countries.

He expressed appreciation that China, under the strong leadership of the CPC, has eradicated poverty in the shortest time and enabled its people to live a moderately prosperous life.

He spoke highly of China's efforts in advancing the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, citing the Global Development Initiative and the Global Security Initiative as examples.

The two initiatives reflect that the CPC seeks well-being for the whole of humanity and also show the significant role China has always played in maintaining world peace and promoting global development, he added.

He thanked China for its assistance to African countries in the fight against COVID-19. China has already supplied nearly 200 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Africa.


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