Renowned sinologists visit Chinese alma mater after 30 years

"Language is culture, and culture is language. The relationships between people are very important, so I think learning a language is crucial," Professor Bart Dessein from Ghent University in Belgium emphasized.

On Jan 11, well-known sinologists Ann Heirman and Bart Dessein revisited their alma mater, Liaoning University in Shenyang, after 30 years to witness China's dynamic changes and foster cultural and educational exchanges between China and Europe.

During their visit, they explored Liaoning University's old and new campuses, admired the scenic beauty of Shenyang's North and West Pagodas, and immersed themselves in the region's vibrant cultural heritage.

China and the European Union issued their first joint statement in 2014, declaring efforts to build the four major partnerships of peace, growth, reform, and civilization. Ann Heirman and Bart Dessein's return to Shenyang is emblematic of those efforts.

Yu Yue, Sun Lin and Wang Xinqi contributed to the story.

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