Man's brave sacrifice honored
A photo of Wang Long. [Photo from internet]

A heart-wrenching incident occurred in Boshan district of Zibo city, Shandong province, where Wang Long, a 36-year-old man, lost his life while saving a mother and her child from drowning during the May Day holiday.

The emergency took place at a local riverside resort where Wang was enjoying free time with his own family.

At around 2:30 pm on May 3, a six-year-old boy fell into the deep water zone while playing in the shallow area. In a panic, his mother followed, trying to reach her son, but both ended up being trapped in the river.

A snapshot of the video recording Wang Long's heroic act to save drowning people in Boshan district, Zibo city, Shandong province. [Photo from internet]

Hearing the emergency call for help, Wang, without a hint of hesitation, immediately jumped into the river to rescue the duo.

A video recorded at the scene showed that Wang soon reached the mother and took her to the riverbank, while the young boy was still struggling at a farer site.

Wang went back again and lifted the boy up high with his two hands while the currents kept flowing over his head. Trying to stand straight, he handed the boy to his father who came to help.

After bringing the mother and child to safety, Wang himself drowned in the river. The attempt to rescue him unfortunately didn't succeed.

A photo of Wang Long. [Photo from internet]

"My husband is slightly afraid of water, and even has difficulty swimming. It didn't occur to me that he would jump into deep water to save people," said Ms Mao, Wang's wife.

"But he is always warm-hearted. Whoever is in hardship, he would never turn his back and always offers timely help," Mao said.

"His act is maybe an instinctive reaction of fatherhood," Mao added. Wang was the father of a four-year-old boy.

A memorial meeting for Wang Long is held in Boshan district, Zibo city, Shandong province. [Photo from internet]

Wang's courageous act has left an indelible mark on the rescued family and garnered admiration from the local communities and the internet.

On March 7, the father of the rescued boy, surnamed Zhang, expressed sincere gratitude to Wang's family. "Regardless of your own safety, you saved our child. Your brave sacrifice gives us a second chance to live..." wrote Zhang in a letter of gratitude.

The Zibo city and Ningyang county in Tai'an city, Shandong province, Wang's hometown, offered honorary titles to mark his heroic act and condolence payments to his family.

Social media platforms have been flooded with tributes and condolences from people across China. Many have called Wang a hero, lauding his sacrifice and emphasizing the need to remember such bravery.

In the morning of May 8, a memorial meeting for Wang was held in Boshan district.

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