A journey of friendship, discovery and tranquility in Wen'an
People relax at the Tree Coffee in Wen'an, Hebei province. WANG XIN/CHINA DAILY

Fed up with the large crowds and overcast weather in Shanghai, and liberated from the stress of intense travel itineraries, I discovered a sense of peace during the recent May Day holiday while enjoying a slow-paced vacation in an unfamiliar county.

Located in Langfang in North China's Hebei province, Wen'an county is probably a new name for many. I first learned about it from a friend, who surprised me by telling me this unknown county is actually home to China's largest trading market for secondhand machine tools. It is also one of the nation's biggest production hubs for recycled plastic, man-made panels and other goods.

It sparked my curiosity further when I found that there is no passenger station in the county. This was another surprise given the rapid development of China's railway networks and large-scale industrial clusters. However, what intrigued me the most was the prospect of escaping tourist crowds and immersing myself in an authentic and tranquil local experience.

Without much hesitation, I made Wen'an county my destination.

Although Wen'an has no passenger terminals, it is easily accessible from both Beijing and Tianjin — about one to two hours' drive from either city. This is a little bit time-consuming, but the journey is not too difficult.

Unlike traveling to big cities or popular tourist spots, I started to feel a strong connection with the local people when I started making preparations for the trip.

Instead of relying on mobile apps or online platforms for local information, for the first time I found out that the "old-fashioned" way of using a local travel agency worked much better in this small county.

A travel agency owner, surnamed Wang, was quite surprised to learn that I would be traveling to Wen'an — and not for business. Rather than treat me as a client, he approached me more as a new friend visiting his hometown.

He kindly offered me information on safety, transportation, dining and entertainment, and even guided me around the trading markets and production bases. All this was for free.

Upon my arrival, Huang, a local bar owner, gave me another warm surprise.

I'd contacted Huang before I left Shanghai in the hope he could source a whisky I liked. The Wen'an bars usually don't serve whisky as drinkers prefer beer, yet, without fanfare Huang scoured the county and got my order for me, without overcharging.

After a long day on the high-speed train and then a taxi, it was near midnight when I reached Wen'an. However, I was not the slightest bit exhausted and headed to Huang's bar for a nightcap.

Customers enjoy their drinks at a music bar in Wen'an. WANG XIN/CHINA DAILY

I felt a sense of security when I was greeted by Huang, especially as he'd kept the bar open for me. I had been worried about keeping him waiting, since I knew local customers usually left early and he had a regular day job.

But he assured me that his bar was more than just a business — it was also a place for friends to gather. I'd traveled over 1,100 kilometers, but was already being treated like an old friend.

The streets in Wen'an are quiet early in the evening, but I was content knowing I had a friend just around the corner from my accommodation willing to keep a light on for me, and wait for hours just to say "hello" and "welcome to Wen'an".How lucky was I!

I spent four days and nights in Wen'an and enjoyed every moment there, even without a must-do list.

With only a few streets, the central area can be easily navigated on foot. Wandering around wet markets, small stores, parks and night markets, I never had to worry about getting lost.

One street from my hotel, I came across my favorite place — a cafe named Tree Coffee.

As its name indicated, the cafe was built under a big pagoda tree last summer. When the gentle sunlight filtered through the leaves and scattered on the ground, seats and across my skin, I stretched my body and greedily breathed in the dry air and the lovely aroma of coffee.

There were no business people holding laptops or conducting meetings, as there would be in a fast-paced city. Instead, young people gathered at their leisure chatting with staff, laughing, taking photos, singing and playing the guitar.

Sipping coffee under the shady tree, my schedule was not determined by time constraints or the need to complete work. Instead, it was simply the sky gradually getting dark that announced the end of my day.

As I freely roamed the streets with elastic steps, the sound of a live rock song caught my attention. That was another fantastic encounter in Wen'an — an acclaimed local music bar open for a decade with no online posts about it.

It was easy to get in, and the music they played was my taste, with wonderful acoustic shows, drinks and snacks at a very fair price, as well as warm and friendly customers to talk with. I arrived alone, but we sang, laughed and shared the night and created memories together.

Time flew by quietly during my short stay in Wen'an. I felt comfortable assimilating with local residents, who accepted me as a new friend with kindness, hospitality and respectful curiosity. Counties may differ from each other, but for tourists seeking slow-paced relaxation, they might have something in common.

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