Grid Coffee and Evian collaborate to craft a cold brew haven in Beijing
Themed Pure Cold Brew, Grid Coffee combines single-origin coffee beans with Evian's natural mineral water to offer four limited-edition cold brews, available until June 16. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Grid Coffee, a renowned local beverage chain, has joined forces with Evian to unveil a captivating and immersive experience at The Box Shopping Mall in Beijing's vibrant Chaoyang district.

The collaborative space is a symphony of light and shadow, enveloping visitors in a poetic ambiance as they step into a realm where a luminous window bathes the surroundings in a twilight glow, evoking memories of serene sunsets over the majestic Alps.

Grid Coffee, a premium local beverage chain, is teaming up with Evian to create a special immersive experience at The Box Shopping Mall in Beijing's Chaoyang District. [Photo provided to China Daily]

Themed around the concept of Pure Cold Brew, Grid Coffee has ingeniously melded single-origin coffee beans with Evian's mineral water to craft four exclusive limited-edition cold brews, set to tantalize taste buds until June 16. Cold brewing techniques not only elevate the inherent aromas of the coffee beans but also temper acidity and bitterness, ensuring a refined and unadulterated coffee-drinking experience for patrons.

These innovative cold brew creations are meticulously curated to showcase the distinct flavors and fragrances of various coffee beans, inviting coffee enthusiasts on a sensory journey that celebrates the nuanced profiles of each brew.

This space features light and shadow to create a poetic atmosphere. [Photo provided to China Daily]
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