Egypt's Morsi announces referendum
2012-12-02 (Xinhua)   2012-12-02 10:33:48

BEIJING, Dec. 2 (Xinhuanet) -- Members of the constituent assembly have handed Morsi the draft of the constitution they rushed through on Friday. The president has ratified the draft and announced a referendum.

Members of the assembly wrote the new draft constitution and approved it in a 16-hour long voting session just after dawn on Friday. The push of the constitutional draft through the assembly, despite a boycott by secular members and Christians, was seen as an attempt to circumvent a legal challenge that threatened to dissolve the panel and delay the charter.

Meanwhile, supporters of President Mohammed Morsi clashed with opponents in Egypt’s port city of Alexandria. The two groups hurled rocks at each other as they faced off on the streets of the northern city. Morsi’s supporters and opponents are also demonstrating elsewhere in the country.

(Source: CNTV.cn)

Editor: Tang Danlu
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