Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge carries a new look
Aerial photo shows the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge under renovation in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, Oct 18. With asphalt paving on the main section, the 4,500-meter-long bridge is closer to completion after a one-year-long renovation, and will reopen by the end of the year. [Photo/VCG]

The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, whose construction was completed 50 years ago, has become the symbol of a collective memory and national pride. It was China's first self-designed bridge over the Yangtze without foreign assistance. It has long been serving as an artery for the Beijing-Shanghai Railway and as road transport for Nanjing. The double-decker bridge will be reopened by the end of the year.

Aerial photo shows the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge under renovation in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, Oct 18. A park below the bridge will be turned into an artistic space. [Photo/VCG]
Aerial photo shows the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge under renovation in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, Oct 18. [Photo/VCG]
Aerial photo shows the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge under renovation in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, Oct 18. [Photo/VCG]
Aerial photo shows the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge under renovation in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, Oct 18. [Photo/VCG]
Aerial photo shows the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge under renovation in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, Oct 18. [Photo/VCG]


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