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1)  Special Testing Mold
2)  special module testing
3)  special module testing
4)  special part measuring tools
By the improvement of the examining method of special part measuring tools, the work efficiency is increased to examine, verifying the accuracy of the measure tools between the design and the manufacturing, guaranteeing the quantity of processesing appropriation parts.
通过对专用零件测具检测方法的改进 ,提高了检测工作效率 ,验证了测具设计及制造的准确性 ,保证了专用零件加工质量。
5)  specific test and measure software
6)  special testing equipment
The paper introduces the feature of the special testing equipment,the difference between the traditional calibration interface and the intelligence calibration interface and the hardware and software design.
The paper introduces the feature of special testing equipment,present situation,site calibration of special testing equipment,automatic calibration essentiality and peculiarity.
abrasive grinding 强力磨削
abrasive 磨料的,研磨的
absence 不在,缺席
accesssory 附件
accommodate 适应
accordingly 因此,从而,相应地
accuracy 精度,准确性
actuate 开动(机器),驱动
adequate 足够的
adhesive 粘合剂
adjacent 邻近的
adopt 采用
advance 进步
advisable 可取的
agitate 摇动
a large extent 很大程度
algorithm 算法
align 定位,调准
alignment 校直
all-too-frequent 频繁
allowance 容差,余量
alternate 交替,轮流
alternatively 做为选择,也许
aluminiun 铝
ample 充足的
analysis 分析
ancillary 补助的,副的
angular 有角的
annealing 退火
aperture 孔
applied loads 作用力
appropriate 适当的
arc 弧,弓形
arise 出现,发生
arrange 安排
article 制品,产品
ascertain 确定,查明
assemble 组装
attitude 态度
auxiliary 辅助的
avoid 避免
axis 轴
axle 轮轴,车轴
alternative 替换物
backup 备份
batch 一批
bearing 轴承,支座
bed 床身
behavior 性能
bench-work 钳工工作
bend 弯曲
beneath 在•••下
bin 仓,料架
blank 坯料
blank 冲裁,落料
blanking 落料模
blast 一阵(风)
blemish 缺点,污点
bolster 模座,垫板
boring 镗削,镗孔
bracket 支架
brass 黄铜
break down 破坏
breakage 破坏
brine 盐水
brittle 易碎的
buffer 缓冲器
built-in 内装的
bulging 凸肚
burr 毛刺
bush 衬套
by far •••得多,最
by means of 借助于
boost 推进
cabinet 橱柜
call upon 要求
carbide 碳化物
carburzing 渗碳
carriage 拖板,大拖板
carry along 一起带走
carry down over 从•••上取下
carry out 完成
case hardening 表面硬化
case 壳,套
cast steel 铸钢
casting 铸造,铸件
category 种类
caution 警告,警示
cavity and core plates 凹模和凸模板
cavity 型腔,腔,洞
centre-drilling 中心孔
ceramic 陶瓷制品
chain doted line 点划线
channel 通道,信道
characteristic 特性
check 核算
chip 切屑,铁屑
chuck 卡盘
chute 斜道
circa 大约
circlip (开口)簧环
circuit 回路,环路
circulate (使)循环
clamp 夹紧
clamp 压板
clay 泥土
clearance 间隙
clip 切断,夹住
cold hobbing 冷挤压
cold slug well 冷料井
collapse 崩塌,瓦解
collapsible 可分解的
combination 组合
commence 开始,着手
commence 开始
commercial 商业的
competitive 竞争的
complementary 互补的