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1)  atomic chart
2)  ional atomic weight table
3)  adatom [æ'dætəm]
Study on the influence of three-dimensional Cu(111) islands on the diffusion of adatom by molecular dynamics simulation;
The study on diffusion barriers of adatom and local pressure of the atoms in the substrate at atomic level will reveal the physical nature of film growth which will be of great significance in both the development of equipments of thin film and the invention of new thin film materials.
4)  atom [英]['ætəm]  [美]['ætəm]
5)  atomic weight
6)  atomic weight
In the domestic academe "atomic weight" has been changed to "relative atomic mass".
"原子量"(atomic weight)这一广为大众熟知的术语却遭到"相对原子质量"(relativeatomic mass)的冲击,国内已将"原子量"改名为"相对原子质量"。
% 76 Ge,and the atomic weight of germanium as 72 639(4) both with an uncertainty given on t.
0 5 原子 %76Ge再各乘以已知的原子质量 ,得出锗原子量的新值为 :Ar( Ge) =72 。
The atomic weight of europium is 151.
补充资料:原子量表 (<12>C=12.00)
原子量表 (<12>C=12.00)
原子量表 (C=12.00) 附录ⅩⅥ B. 原子量表 (C=12.00) (录自1999年国际原子量表) 中文名 英文名 符 号 原子量 氢 Hydrogen H 1.00794(7) 氦 Helium He 4.002602(2) 锂 Lithium Li 6.941(2) 硼 Boron B 10.811(7) 碳 Carbon C 12.0107(8) 氮 Nitrogen N 14.0067(2) 氧 Oxygen O 15.9994(3) 氟 Fluorine F 18.9984032(5) 钠 Sodium(Natrium) Na 22.989770(2) 镁 Magnesium Mg 24.3050(6) 铝 Aluminium Al 26.981538(2) 硅 Silicon Si 28.0855(3) 磷 Phosphorus P 30.973761(2) 硫 Sulfur S 32.065(5) 氯 Chlorine Cl 35.453(2) 钾 Potassium(Kalium) K 39.0983(1) 钙 Calcium Ca 40.078(4) 钛 Titanium Ti 47.867(1) 钒 Vanadium V 50.9415(1) 铬 Chromium Cr 51.9961(6) 锰 Manganese Mn 54.938049(9) 铁 Iron(Ferrum) Fe 55.845(2) 钴 Cobalt Co 58.933200(9) 镍 Nickel Ni 58.6934(2) 铜 Copper(Cuprum) Cu 63.546(3) 锌 Zinc Zn 65.39(2) 镓 Gallium Ga 69.723(1) 砷 Arsenic As 74.92160(2) 硒 Selenium Se 78.96(3) 溴 Bromine Br 79.904(1) 锶 Strontium Sr 87.62(1) 锆 Zirconium Zr 91.224(2) 钼 Molybdenum Mo 95.94(1) 锝 Technetium Tc [99] 钯 Palladium Pd 106.42(1) 银 Silver(Argentum) Ag 107.8682(2) 镉 Cadmium Cd 112.411(8) 铟 Indium In 114.818(3) 锡 Tin(Stannum) Sn 118.710(7) 锑 Antimony(Stibium) Sb 121.760(1) 碘 Iodine I 126.90447(3) 碲 Tellurium Te 127.60(3) 氙 Xenon Xe 131.293(6) 钡 Barium Ba 137.327(7) 镧 Lanthanum La 138.9055(2) 铈 Cerium Ce 140.116(1) 钬 Holmium Ho 164.93032(2) 镱 Ytterbium Yb 173.04(3) 钨 Tungsten(Wolfram) W 183.84(1) 铂 Platinum Pt 195.078(2) 金 Gold(Aurum) Au 196.96655(2) 汞 Mercury(Hydrargyrum) Hg 200.59(2) 铅 Lead(Plumbum) Pb 207.2(1) 铋 Bismuth Bi 208.98038(2) 钍 Thorium Th 232.0381(1) 铀 Uranium U 238.02891(3) 注:1.原子量末位数的准确度加注在其后括号内。 2.中括号内的数字是半衰期最长的放射性同位素的质量数。