您的位置:首页 -> 词典 -> GB/T 9068-1988 采暖通风与空气调节设备噪声声功率级的测定 工程法
1)  Determination of sound power levels for noise emitted by heating,ventilating and air conditioning equipments--Engineering method
GB/T 9068-1988 采暖通风与空气调节设备噪声声功率级的测定 工程法
2)  Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by reciprocating pump--Engineering method
GB/T 9069-1988 往复泵噪声声功率级的测定 工程法
3)  Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by centrifuger separator and filter ― Engineering method
GB/T 10894-1989 分离机械噪声声功率级的测定 工程法
4)  Method for cycling test of gas cylinders
GB/T 9252-1988 气瓶疲劳试验方法
5)  Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by displacement compressors--Engineering method
GB/T 4980-1985 容积式压缩机噪声声功率级的测定--工程法
6)  Measurement of vibrations in rock drilling machines and pneumatic tools--Measurement for percussive machines
GB/T 8910.2-1988 凿岩机械与气动工具振动测量方法 冲击式机器的测量