您的位置:首页 -> 词典 -> GB/T 13678-1992 单线脱挂抱索器客运架空索道设计规范
1)  Design rules for mono-cable passenger aerial ropeways with detachable grip
GB/T 13678-1992 单线脱挂抱索器客运架空索道设计规范
2)  Design rules for mono-cable passenger aerial ropeways with fixed grip
GB/T 13677-1992 单线固定抱索器客运架空索道设计规范
3)  Design rules for to-and-fro bicable passenger aerial ropeways
GB/T 13676-1992 双线往复式客运架空索道设计规范
4)  Design rules for mono-cable circulating material aerial ropeway
GB/T 15388.2-1994 单线循环式货运架空索道设计规范
5)  Design rules for bi-cable circulating material aerial ropeway
GB/T 15388.1-1994 双线循环式货运架空索道设计规范
6)  Economical operation of the fan system
GB/T 13470-1992 通风机系统经济运行