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欧洲公民:Euripean citizen
偶有语义:nonce meaning
欧州联盟:Europe Union
欧洲语境:European text
欧洲统一:European unification
欧盟法院:Court of the European Union
欧洲中立:the neutrality of Europe
欧洲电网:European power grid
欧洲国家:European countries
欧洲绘画:European painting
欧洲传统:European tradition
欧洲温泉:Europe's hot springs
欧洲秩序:European order
欧洲危机:crisis of Europe
欧盟条约:EU treaty
欧土关系:EU-Turkey relationship
欧亚女篮:European and Asian Women Basketball Team
欧盟七国:Seven Countries in the EU
欧陆均势:European continental balance of power
偶有属性:chance attribute
欧洲地名:European place name
耦合概念:coupling conception
瓯商文化:Ou Commerce culture
欧亚强国:the great powers in the Europe and Asia
欧洲大学:European university
瓯人文化:Ou culture
欧美文学:Euro-American literature
偶联因子:coupling factors
欧洲列强:European countries
欧美之行:tour to Europe and America
偶然习得:incidental acquisition
偶然注意:Incidental Attention
欧美经验:occident experiences
瓯姬百蛋:Ou's 100 eggs
欧元政策:Euro policy
欧洲历史:European history
欧盟制宪:The EU establishes the constitution
欧洲银行:Euroupean Bank
欧洲心学:European psychology
耦合原理:The coupling principle
偶得物品:Occasionally Gained thing
欧美企业:European and American enterprises
欧美政治:European and American tradition of the rule of law
欧洲均势:the balance of power in Europe
页码:9721222324 252627282930313233343536373839408: