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胚骨平台:tibial plateau
胚骨骨折:shinbone fracture
平衡思维:Balance thought
排尿时间:urination time
配偶检测:Examination of spouse
彭州睡莲:New variety
疲劳术语:fatigue terms
胚胎残留:intrauterine fetal residual
频域指标:Frequency domain index
普通病区:general ward
贫铀武器:depleted uranium munition
配伍法则:the rule of combination of several medicines
脾胃病证:diseases of the spleen and stomach
配方窗口:prescription window
破膜时间:Gestational weeks
平衡针法:Balanced Acupumcture and Moxibustion
旁触传递:ephaptic transmission
排空功能:emptying function
配膳管理:Regulation on dietary fabrication
品红颜料:magenta pigment
评价量表:evaluation scale
胚泡种植:embryo implantation
偏瘫儿童:children with hemiplegia
皮质灶:Epileptogenic foci
皮肤鳞癌:Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
普通饮食:The regular diet
皮下瘀斑:Sub dermal ecchymosis
皮类药材:cortex herbs
排石灵片:Paishiling tablets
普通X线:Traditional X-ray
平准保费:Level premium
排石疗法:stone-removal treatment
陪伴分娩:Accompany delivery
盆腔复发:Pelvic recurrence
排便障碍:Outlet Obstructed Constipation (OOC)
平喘止咳:relieving cough and asthma
皮肤嫩肤:Skin rejuvenation
跑台运动:treadmill exercise
剖面刚度:cross sectional stiffness
喷雾疗法:aerosol delivery
蜱螨控制:Mite and tick control
评量标准:Assessment standard
配伍试验:compatible experiments
排便异常:abnormal stool
啤酒下脚:Leftover of beer industry
皮肤大疱:skin bulla
页码:97261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280 8: