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爱伦坡小说:Poe's fiction
按揭证券化:mortgage stock certificate to turn
阿波罗神谕:Apollo oracle
安妮·普露:E. Annie Proulx
奥运会品牌:the Olympic brand
安全高自尊:secure high self-esteem
爱鸟俱乐部:Bird-loving club
氨肥法脱硫:Desulphurization with ammonia fertilizer
按项目补偿:fee for service
澳门旅遊業:Tourist industry of Macao
安全港制度:safe harbor system
按大类招生:art-and-science recruitment of students
爱思帝公司:Aisidi Company
按质论价法:hedonic price method
澳门的启示:The apocalypse of Macau
爱与美女神:goddess of beauty and love
爱尔兰语区:Gaeltacht area
阿尔贝尼兹:Isaac Albeniz
阿里郎现象:Arirang Phenomenon
奥运会邮票:Olympic stamps
爱情价值观:love values
安全发展观:security development outlook
安妮·赖斯:Anne Rice
奥斯曼威胁:Ottoman threat
爱的共同体:love's community
奥运会仪式:Olympics ceremony
阿瑟·韦利:Arthur Waley
昂扬和颓败:Rising and depraved
埃及考古学:Egyptian archaeology
奥图码公司:Optoma company
阿拉善土语:Alasha vernacular
阿巴斯电影:Abbas movies
阿伦·福特:Allen Forte
阿拉善蒙古:Alashan Mongol
奥尔夫教学:Orff-schulwerk teaching
按地区分类:region-classified model
安吉小流域:small upland drainage area of Anji
哀伤和抑郁:Mourning and Melancholia
埃维昂会议:the Evian conference
鞍山制铁所:the Anshan iron-smelting institute
安全港比率:Safe Harbor Rule
暗色调绘画:tenebrist painting
按比例就业:quota scheme employment
页码:97201202203204205206207208209210211212 2132142152162172182192208: