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鄂西芭蕉河:Bajiao river in the west of Hubei province
二次生产力:Bacterial production
二许剩余码:quadratic residue codes
二次数值域:quadratic numerical range
二维简谐势:two-dimensional harmonic trap
二维旋转角:2D angle rotation
耳语音增强:whispered speech
二次型控制:the Linear Quadratic Control
二进制程序:binary programs
二维分布图:2D Scatter plot
二维存储器:two-dimensional memory
二维熵门限:2D entropic thresholding
恶意权重表:The weight table of malicious
二次分类器:two-pass classifier
二维规则波:Two-dimensional reqular wave
耳语音转换:reconstruction from whisper
二极管测试:Test Diode
二叉判定树:binary decision tree
二维实验台:two-axes experimental platform
二维扫描器:two dimensional scanner
二维精细谱:smoothed time-frequency representation
二次曲面束:penclil of quadric surface
二次光电流:Secondary photocurlent
二阶锁相环:Second order phase-locked loop
二叉链表号:bintree linking number
恶意数据流:misbelieving flow
二进制码流:binary code stream
二进制码元:binary codes
二进制表示:binary system expression
二次分类法:second-time classification
二进制压缩:Binary compression
二进制加权:binary weighted
二极管模块:Diode module
二级流水线:Two-level Pipeline
俄罗斯媒体:Russian Media
二项式检索:dichotomous key
二值与非门:binary nand gate
二值或非门:binary nor gate
二维相干源:two-dimensional coherent signals
二元参数法:Binary Quadratic Programming
二质量系统:two-mass system
恶魔式男性:the villainous male
儿童发展权:Children's right to development
鄂西纳水溪:Nashuixi in West of Hubei Provice
页码:97181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200 8: