单掂号:monotone numbering
单掂:monotone class
单递增序列:monotonically increasing sequence
单递增函数:monotone increasing function
单递减序列:monotonically decreasing sequence
单递减函数:monotone decreasing function
单递减的:monotone decreasing
单地址指令:one-address instruction; single address instruction
单地址系统:single address system
单地址的:single address
单灯近:monotone approximation
单弹数:monotone function
单代数的判别式:discriminant of a simple algebra
单代数的差积:different of a simple algebra
单代数的ζ函数:ζ-function of simple algebra,zeta-function of simple algebra
单纯重分:simplicial subdivision
单纯映射:simplicial mapping,barycentric mapping
单纯形法:Simplex Method
单纯形调优法:simplex method
单纯形表:simplex tableau
单纯上同岛:simplicial cohomology group
单纯上链复形:simplicial cochain complex
单纯链映射:simplicial chainmapping
单纯交点:simple intersection point
单纯复形的同调群:homology group of simplicial complex
单纯不动点:simple fixed point
单纯逼近定理:simplicialapproximation theorem
单纯逼近:simplicial approximation
单纯胞腔:simplicial cell
单超越扩张:simple transcendental extension
单层位势:simple potential
单侧下近似极限:one sided lower approximate limit
单侧曲面:one-sided surface
单侧偏大近似极限:one sided upper approximate limit
单侧连续性:one sided continuity
单侧可微性:one sided differentiability
单侧检验:one-sided test
单侧极限:limit from the left(or right)
单侧逼近:one sided approximation
单参数子群:homogeneous Siegel domain
单参数的:one parameter
单参数乘法子群:one parameter multiplicative subgroup
单参数测地线族:1-parameter family of geodesics
单参数变换群:one-parameter transformation group
单步法:single-step method
单步迭代:single step iteration
单变量系统:single-variable system
单变量级数:univariable series
单边导数:one sided derivative