左手螺旋极化:left hand circular polarization (LHCP)
左伸特征线:left-running characteristic
左伸马赫波:left-running Mach wave
左扭转:left handed twist
左螺帽:left-handed screw nut
左焊法(气焊):forehand welding
左存储:LST (left store)
左侧数位,高位数位:left-hand digit
左侧数加法器:left-hand adder
左侧数:left-hand component
左侧锅炉:port side boiler
左侧调整,左边对齐:left justify
左侧的,左旋的:LH (left-handed)
左侧,左边:left hand side
左边零:left-hand zero
左边活节合页:left hand loose joint hinge
左[旋]螺纹,倒牙:left-hand[ed] thread
遵照议程:adherence to the agenda
遵守合同:abide by contract,to keep a contract
遵守措施:compliance assurance
最做出策略:optimal strategy
最左位:leftmost bit
最隹聚束:optimum bunching
最重件:heaviest piece
最终贮存:terminal stoxage
最终蒸发点,末级蒸发点:final evaporation point
最终议定书文本:text of final act
最终议定书,最终协议:final protocol
最终验收标准:FAC (final acceptance criteria)
最终物料量:closing inventory
最终水;最终流出物:final effluent
最终收率,最终产量:ultimate yield
最终审计风险:ultimate risk
最终溶液,成品溶液:final solution
最终热阱水坑:ultimate heat sink basin
最终热阱:Final heat sink
最终燃料消耗:ultimate fuel burn-up
最终曲线:final curves
最终频率:final frequency
最终浓度:final concentration
最终淋洗:final rinse
最终决策:terminal decision
最终净化:eventual purification,final purification
最终精制:final refining
最终精磨:final smoothing