总经理负责制:general manager responsibility system
总教官:Chief Instructor
总监:general supervisor
总级别指数:gross rating points (GRPs)
总机构费用:Head Office Expenses
总回报:Total Return
总和刑期:total term of sentences
总购买能力:GPP general purchasing power
总供给量:aggregate supply
总工资:total wages
总负债比净资产:Total Liabilities to Net Worth
总负债:gross debt,gross liability
总分支机构合并申报:File Consolidated Tax Return
总分类账户:general account
总分类账簿:general ledger
总分类帐:GL general ledger
总的经济形势:overall economic situation
总代理商、总代理人:G. A. general agent
总承包商:general contractor
总产值创最高历史记录:total output value hit a record high (an all-time high)
总差额[股市]:Gross spread
总层数:Gross Floor Area of the Building
总裁助理:assistant president
总裁/总经理助理:CEO/GM/President Assistant
总部产业管理主管:OC HQ Estate Management
总办事处(公民权/身分证/生死注册/护照):General Office (Citizenship/Identity Card/Registry of Births & Deaths/Passports)
综乙实业有限公司:Chung Yi Enterprise Co.,Ltd.
综乙实业香港有限公司:Chung Yi Enterprise (Hong Kong) Co.,Ltd.
综乙东莞企石电子制品厂:Chung Yi (Dongguan Qishi) Electronic Manufactory Co.,Ltd.
综所税退税凭单补发申请书、个人灾害损失申报(核定)表:Application Form for Reissue of Individual Income Tax Refund Certificate Declaration(Assessment) Form for Personal Loss in Disaster
综合指数停止下滑,上升28点,达到671点:the composite stopped the declining momentum,gaining 28 points to 671
综合所得总额:The Annual Total Gross Consolidated Income
综合所得税自动补报税额缴款书:Tax Bill for Voluntarily Supplementary Declaration of Individual Income Tax
综合所得税退税凭单补发申请书:Application Form for Reissue of Tax Refund Certificate for Individual Income Tax
综合所得税结算税额缴款书(自行缴纳):Tax Bill for Filing Individual Income Tax (Self-Payment)
综合所得税结算申报书:Individual Income Tax Return
综合所得税:comprehensive income tax
综合所得净额:The Annual Total Net Consolidated Income
综合授信:comprehensive authority
综合赔付率:combined ratio
综合年限法折旧:depreciation by composite life method
综合经济效益:Comprehensive economic benefit
综合金融期货头寸:synthetic financial futures position
综合国力:comprehensive national power