咕噜蜜肉:sweet & sour pork;Cantonese/Guangdong style
咕噜鸡:Sweet & Sour Chicken
狗肉粥鲜桃仁:Dog Meat Congee with Peach Kernel
狗肉汤(韩国):Dog Meat Soup
宫爆腰花:stir-fried kidney with chilli and peanuts
宫爆鸡丁:chicken cubes with peanuts;diced chicken with paprika;diced chicken in chilli sauce;stir-fried chicken with dried red pepper
宫保鱿鱼:stir-fried squid rools
宫保虾仁:pungent vegetarian shrimps
宫保鸡球:Kung Pao Chicken
宫保鸡丁:chicken cubes with peanuts;diced chicken with paprika;diced chicken in chilli sauce;stir-fried chicken with dried red pepper
宫保鸡:Kung Pao Chicken
公司汤:soup of the day
各式炒蛋:assorted omelets
蛤蜊蒸蛋:steamed eggs with clams
鸽汤:pigeon soup
鸽蛋银耳汤:Pigeon Egg and White Fungus Soup
鸽蛋土司:toast fried with quail eggs
鸽蛋肝汤:quail egg & liver soup
鸽蛋扒鸭:braised duck with pigeon eggs
高丽虾丸:prawn balls in Korean style
高丽肉条:deep-fried pork strips Korean style
橄榄菜:kale borecole
感官特性:sensory characteristic
干制食品:dried food
干制保藏:drying preservation (preserved by dehydration;drying process)
干煨肉条:Braised Pork Strips
干烧鱼翅:dry-cooked shark's fins
干烧鲜鱼:fresh fish with pepper sauce
干烧四季豆:Braised Green Bean
干烧全鱼:fried mandarin fish with pepper sauce
干烧茄子:dry-cooked pungent eggplant
干烧牛肉:slow roasted beef
干烧鲤鱼:carp in chilli sauce
干烧鲫鱼:Braised Crucian
干烧黄鱼:fried yellow fish with pepper sauce
干烧比目鱼:turbot in chilli sauce
干煎虾丸:dry fried shrimp balls
干煎大明虾:sauteed prawns
干炒四季豆:stir-fried string beans
干炒牛肉丝:fried sliced beef
干扁四季豆:Fried green bean with pork
干扁牛肉丝:stir-fried beef with vegetable
干扁牛柳丝:String Beef
干贝鱼肚:Dried Scallops and Fish Maw
干贝鱼翅:shark's fin with scallops
干贝丸子汤:scallop soup with meat cabbage
干贝黄肉翅:Dried Scallops and Fish's Fin
干贝海参:Dried Scallops and Sea Cucumber
干贝炖白菜:stewed dried scallops with cabbage
干贝冬菇汤:scallop & mushroom soup