西兰炒雪鱼球:Sautéed Codfish Balls with Broccoli
西裤:shrinking and stretching
西湖牛肉豆腐羹:Minced Beef and Tofu Soup
西湖龙井:Xihu Longjing tea
西湖醋鱼:Steamed Grass Carp in Vinegar Gravy
西红柿鸡蛋汤:Tomato and Egg Soup
西红柿黄瓜沙拉:cucumber salad with tomato
西红柿炒蛋:Scrambled Eggs with Tomato
西瓜牛奶搅滑冰:Watermelon and Milk Blended with Ice
西弗吉尼亚:West Virginia/WV
西方语言系:Department of Western Languages
西方净土:Sukhavati dewachen
西餐:western-style food
西班牙语系:Department of Spanish
物料运输:material transportation
物理系:physics department
物竞天择:natrual selection
舞蹈学校:dancing school
舞蹈系:Department of Dance
武夷山风景区:Wuyishan scenery spot
武陵源风景名胜区:Wulingyuan scenic areas
武当山古建筑群:Ancient Building Comoplex at Wudangshan
武当功夫:Wudang martial arts
伍德罗 威尔逊:Woodrow Wilson
午茶,茶点(下午黄昏时):high tea
五智:five wisdoms ye shes lnga
五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳:Trips to China's five great mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary,and a trip to Huangshan renders trips to the five great mountains unnecessary.
五岳:Wuyue Mountains
五星金六福(高、低):Jinliufu Five-Star (High,Low)
五星级饭店:deluxe hotel(five-star hotel)
五香云豆:Spiced Kidney Beans
五香鸭子:Spiced Duck with Tofu
五香熏鱼:Shanghai smoked fish
五香熏干:Spiced Smoked Dried Tofu
五香大排:Spiced Pork Ribs
五香脆鳝:Sautéed Shredded Eel with Spicy Sauce
五线保险包缝线迹:threads safety overlock stitch
五无间罪:five actions of immediate consequence
五味牛腱:Spiced Beef Shank
五味九孔:Fresh Abalone in Spicy Sauce
五味豆腐:Five-Flavored Tofu
五柳烧石斑(桂鱼、左口鱼、鲈鱼、加吉鱼、鳟鱼):Braised Fish with Trimmings (Choices of: Sea Bass,Mandarin,Flatfish,Perch,Sea Bream or Bulltrout)
五粮液一帆风顺 52度:Wuliangye Liquor Yi Fan Feng Shun (52°)--Symbolizing Plain Sailing P127 40
五粮液 52度:Wuliangye (52°)
五粮液 39度:Wuliangye (39°)
五巨宝藏:Five Treasuries