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糠醛含量:Furfural content
孔洞储层:cranny and cave reservoir
空心钢球:hollow steel ball
颗粒设计:pellet design
开槽圆盘:disk plate with slots
可酶解磷:phosphatase hydrolyzable phosphorus
快速捕集:rapid collection
筘座支座:Sword sley
矿业立法:mining legislation
矿业形势:situation of mining industry
快速球化:fast spheroidizing annealing
矿体隔层:Level partition pillor
孔西潜山:Kongxi buried hill
空间迁移:spatial migration
快速冻结:fast freezing
可能损失:Potential loss
开发压裂:development fracturing
空穴腐蚀:Cavitation Erosion
矿区城镇:mining area town
颗粒饲料:pellet feeds
控制规划:control planning
开挖方式:excavation method
矿房参数:parameters of stope
宽厚煤柱:Wide and high coal pillar
坑内破碎:In pit crushing
矿山基建:Mine capital construction
可靠指标:reliability index
控制矿体:Delimination of orebody
控制酸雨:control of acid rain
孔系精度:array-hole accuracy
控制基板:control board
控制设计:controlling design
开动周期:Working period
抗碎强度:broken strength
空气溅射:Air sputtering
抗点蚀性:Pitti ng Corrosion Resistance
咖啡伴侣:coffee whitener
抗粘闭剂:fresh keeping
开车横档:starting mark
空间形态:spacial form
孔径偏差:Aperture deviation
开度控制:Opening range control
控制浓度:controlled concentration
壳体内腔:Inner surface of shell
块状石墨:bulk graphite
页码:97241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257 2582592608: