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孔洞形貌:cell morphology
壳体尺寸:shell dimension
开罐检查:vessel-opening inspection
矿山管理:Mine management
矿石成本:ore cost
开发形势:development situation
开采对策:production strategy
勘探模式:Exploration model
快速带压:quick Pressurize
开采标高:mining elevation
科学烹饪:scientific cuisine
矿区塌陷:mining collapse
矿焦配比:coke ratio
矿仓加固:lining for storage pockets
矿山粉尘:dust in mine
开采策略:production strategy
矿浆浓度:pulp consistency
抗氧化钢:oxidation resistant steel
开口母料:openability masterbatch
抗结皮剂:retardent for conjunctiva
空腔球体:hollow spheres
坑柄井田:Kengbing coal field
空心碳球:Hollow carbon sphere
可替能源:substitute energy
苦荞麦粉:Tartary Buckwheat Flour
矿渣玻璃:Slag glass
壳内制备:in shell making
跨层运移:cross formational flow
控制逻辑:control logic
科学育林:scientific breeding
孔蚀电位:pitting corrosion potential
扩散条件:Diffusive condition
矿业并购:M&A of Mining industry
勘查风险:exploration risk
空调翅片:Air-conditioner wing
矿相剖面:mineral facies section
矿化中心:mineralization center
空心纱网:hollow gauze meshes
矿床结构:mineralization texture
勘查规划:proposal for the prospecting and exploration program
控制利用:control and exploit
喹哪啶蓝:nucleic acid
空心光纤:hollow center optical fiber
跨膜传质:mass transfer through the membrane
空芯光纤:hollow waveguides
开孔理论:open-celled theory
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