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玛河灌区:the Manasi River irrigated area
密闭汽罩:closed hood
酶法洗渣:enzymatic treatment of pomace
面积突变:sharply changing section
模腔填充:mould filling
毛皮鞣剂:fur tanning agent
脉动异常:unusual impulse
镁铝基体:Mg-Al matrix
磨头速度:speed of work-head
脉冲喷射:pulse jet
磨损动量:wear momentum
模具质量:die quality
镁利用率:magnesium utilize
民用炸药:industrial explosive
麦胚提取:distillation of wheat germ
毛坯曲面:Cast blanks surface
模具原理:mold principle
毛细张力:capillary tension
木质刨花:wood particle
牧牛钨矿:Muniu tungsten deposit
木片质量:chip quality
模糊重心:fuzzy gravity center
镁配合物:Magnesium complexes
模锻工艺:Die forging technology
猫岭金矿:Maoling gold deposit
密着行为:bonding behavior
密炼接枝:smelting graft
马鞍山市:Ma'anshan city
慢性疾病:chronic diseases
棉籽加工:cottonseed processing
煤气单耗:gas consumption
木料燃烧:Timber combustion
磨床改造:rebuilding of the grinding machine
木工锯子:woodworking saws
棉纺企业:spinning workshop
钼业现状:molybdenum industry status
煤气储运:gas preservation and transportation
镁质熔剂:magnesian flux
绵马贯众:dryopteris crassirhizoma
民间艺术:folk art
民间织锦:folk brocade
漫湾库区:Manwan reservoir area
模糊变量:fuzzy variable
煤层压裂:Coal-bed fracturing
玛瑙钵体:agate mortar
煤柱岩爆:rockburst in pillar
膜液组成:casting solution composition
页码:97281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298 299300: