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帽峰岩体:Maofeng pluton
麦草原料:wheat straw material
面团粘度:Dough stickiness
毛竹笋干:Drying bamboo shoot
煤气质量:gas quality
煤层对比:correlation of coal seams
马氏体量:Martensite Volume
木质隔墙:Wood-based wall partition
芒齿小檗:Berberis triacanthophora Fedde
民族盛装:the formal national dress
脉冲计米:pulse counting
钼磷酸钾:potassium molybdenum phosphate
磨削技术:advanced grinding technologies
模糊诊断:fuzzy diagnosis
米糠制油:rice bran oil processing
民事诉讼:civil action
酶参考品:Enzyme reference material
闵28块:Min 28 region
膜面污染:Membrane fouling
面粉精度:flour processing degree
磨削装置:Grinding Device
麦汁制备:wort preparation
木塑制品:wood plastic products
密闭集输:tight line transportation
魔芋淀粉:amophophallus starch
马肉制品:horse meat products
磨蚀磨损:wear and tear
锚箱焊缝:Weld of anchor box
棉籽油脚:cottonseed wasted-oil
摩擦牢度:crocking fastness
猫眼效应:cat's eye effect
煤层因素:Seam factors
麦长管蚜:Macrosiphum avenae
镁质材料:magnesite products
面积测量:area measurement
明代瓦条:Ming dynasty bar-tile
脉冲射流:Pulsed jet
膜层颜色:Film color
民间信仰:Folk Beliefs
煤油着火:kerosene catching fire
模场分析:modal field analysis
名牌服装:the famous-brand clothing
煤矿工业:coal industry field
醚键断裂:cleavage of ether bond
页码:97281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300 :