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任务脚本:mission script
热控器件:thermal suite
热控薄膜:thermal control film
日本景观:Japanese Landscape
乳液粒度:lates particle size
软化损伤:softening damage
入口控制:ramp metering
燃煤效率:burning efficiency
任意定时:arbitrary timing
燃面推进:burning surface regression
熔炼设备:smelting equipment
人的状态:human behavior
认知资源:cognitive resources
认知缺陷:cognitive deficits
热敏指数:heat sensitive index
柔软样品:soft sample
软土性质:soft soil's property
热水管道:hot water pipe
入侵特征:Intrusion signatures
人事外包:Human resource outsourcing affair
人居健康:people's health in residential environment
人性回复:human nature recovering
热冷流体:the hot and the cold flow
人工纠倾:artificial deviation rectification
软弱层带:weak intercalations
人防通道:antiaircraft tunnel
热圆柱体:hot cylinder
热控性能:Thermal control performance
人才退化:Talents degeneration
热泡喷墨:thermal bubble inkjet
柔性配重:flexible counterweight
柔性螺栓:flexible bolt
热成像仪:thermal video system
燃煤炉膛:coal-fired furnace
热循环泵:heat cycle pump
溶胀试验:fusion expanding experiment
人的异化:Human alienation
软性材质:Soft Material
软化曲线:inteneration curve
软化方程:inteneration equation
燃料种类:coal type
日历算法:Calendar algorithm
热力特征:thermal characteristics
燃气混配:gas mixing
燃气调峰:gas peak-shaving
燃气燃烧:gas combustion
热用户数:number of heat consuming installation
燃气发展:gas development
燃气抢修:gas rush-repair
热动力式:hot power
页码:97281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300 :