201 科学体系:Scientific system
202 贝叶斯分析:Bayesian analysis
203 历史价值:Historical value
204 先进生产力:advanced productivity
205 区位商:location quotient
206 政治权力:political power
207 教材建设:textbook construction
208 初始条件:initial condition
209 产业创新:industrial innovation
210 理论价值:theoretical value
211 FDI:foreign direct investment
212 耗散结构:dissipation structure
213 社会系统:social system
214 生态哲学:ecological philosophy
215 新公共服务:new public service
216 使用价值:use value
217 竞争政策:Competition policy
218 经济哲学:economic philosophy
219 演化经济学:evolutionary economics
220 技术学习:technological learning
221 产业融合:industrial convergence
222 能源需求:energy demand
223 学习曲线:learning curve
224 地理要素:geographical elements
225 社会制度:social system
226 社会冲突:social conflict
227 服务理念:service concept
228 随机最优控制:stochastic optimal control
229 实验经济学:experimental economics
230 私有制:private ownership
231 私有财产:private property
232 马克思哲学:Marxist philosophy
233 效用理论:utility theory
234 新变化:new changes
235 退耕还林:returning farmland to forest
236 一般均衡:general equilibrium
237 社会信用:social credit
238 福利国家:welfare state
239 防灾减灾:disaster prevention and reduction
240 海洋资源:marine resources
241 空间相关:spatial correlation
242 历史意义:Historical significance
243 发展经济学:development economics
244 地方治理:local governance
245 新文化运动:New Culture Movement
246 中产阶层:Middle Class
247 经济地理学:economic geography
248 生态经济学:ecological economics
249 经济制度:economic system
250 李觏:LI Gou