451 主要内容:main contents
452 价值中立:value neutrality
453 内容产业:content industry
454 虚拟价值链:Virtual Value Chain
455 分类经营:classification management
456 社会改革:social reform
457 股份公司:stock company
458 商业伦理:business ethics
459 垂直专业化:vertical specialization
460 主流经济学:mainstream economics
461 洛伦茨曲线:lorenz curve
462 经济预测:Economic Forecasting
463 创新理论:Innovation theory
464 学习迁移:learning transfer
465 计划行为理论:theory of planned behavior
466 资源禀赋:resource endowment
467 经济信息:Economic information
468 国民经济动员:National economy mobilization
469 人力资本理论:Human capital theory
470 市场进入:market entry
471 国际产业转移:international industry transfer
472 知识供应链:knowledge supply chain
473 新贡献:new contribution
474 社会权力:social power
475 次贷危机:subprime lending crisis
476 研究趋势:research trend
477 国内市场:domestic market
478 市场创新:market innovation
479 生态消费:ecological consumption
480 学习模型:learning model
481 道德规范:Moral Norm
482 产业经济学:industrial economics
483 区域发展战略:regional development strategy
484 区域整合:Regional integration
485 演化博弈论:evolutionary game theory
486 商务成本:Business cost
487 劳动分工:division of labor
488 技术评价:technology assessment
489 社会属性:social attribute
490 科学思想:scientific thought
491 机制分析:Mechanism analysis
492 适应性学习:adaptive learning
493 均衡模型:equilibrium model
494 现代教学:modern teaching
495 报酬递增:Increasing Returns
496 精神实质:spiritual essence
497 罗马帝国:Roman Empire
498 会计行为:accounting behavior
499 矿物加工:mineral processing
500 行业协会:industrial association