451 电信业:telecommunication industry
452 外语教育:foreign language education
453 软权力:soft power
454 历史观:conception of history
455 新民主主义:new democracy
456 商业文化:commercial culture
457 生存环境:living environment
458 对话教学:dialogue teaching
459 保护利用:protection and utilization
460 教育实践:Education Practice
461 表达模式:Expression pattern
462 太平天国:the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
463 政治教育:political education
464 精英文化:elite culture
465 新文化运动:New Culture Movement
466 旅游文化:tourist culture
467 地方文献:local documents
468 道路网络:road network
469 三江平原:the Sanjiang Plain
470 滇西:western Yunnan
471 经济制度:economic system
472 制度文化:system culture
473 清朝:the Qing Dynasty
474 人生哲学:Life Philosophy
475 北京大学:Peking University
476 林则徐:Lin Zexu
477 李觏:LI Gou
478 发展状况:development status
479 减灾:disaster reduction
480 经济开发:Economic Development
481 人类社会:human society
482 行政补偿:administrative compensation
483 国际环境:International environment
484 民意:public opinion
485 普通法:common law
486 马克思主义中国化:Marxism in China
487 句式:sentence pattern
488 叶圣陶:Ye Shengtao
489 独立人格:independent personality
490 钱穆:Qian Mu
491 防灾:disaster prevention
492 文化管理:cultural management
493 环境演变:environmental evolution
494 历史时期:historical period
495 城市现代化:Urban modernization
496 丰子恺:Feng Zikai
497 文学史:literature history
498 文人画:literati painting
499 历史渊源:historical origin
500 正定:positive definite