永久性资产:permanent asset
永久性资本:permanent capital
永久性抗辩权:permanent counter-argument right
永久审计档案:permanent audit files
永嘉县万宝石业开发有限公司:Yongjia Wanbao Stone Developmeng Co.,Ltd.
永逢国际股份有限公司上海办事处:Yung Fong International Co.,Ltd. - Shanghai Office
永逢国际股份有限公司:Yung Fong International Co.,Ltd.
永佃权:permanent rent right
永不褪色:fast colour
雍容华丽:rich and magnificent
拥有至少50%的股份:hold a minimum of 50% percent of the equity
拥有的不动产:REO real estate owned
拥军优属:preferential treatment for families of servicemen and martyrs
佣金帐户:commission account
佣金率:commission rate
佣金(经济人):commission brokers
硬席:semi cushioned seat or berth
硬卧客车:sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths
硬通货地区:hard currency area
硬通货,硬币:hard money
硬道理:Absolute Principle
影响评估:impact assessment
影视策划/制作人员:Entertainment Planning / Production
营运现金流(量):operating cash flow
营运损失:Operating Losses
营业资产:operating capital
营业中断险:Business Interruption Insurance (BI)
营业员/收银员/理货员:Shop Clerk/Salesperson
营业用:For the Purpose of Conducting Business
营业银行:operating bank
营业外支出:non-business expenditure
营业外净收入:Non-Operating Revenue
营业损失净额:net amount of operating loss
营业税缴款书:Business Tax Bill
营业税(使用、异动、取消)直拨划拨退税同意书:Letter of Consent for the Direct Deposit/Postal Giro of Business Tax refunds (Use,Alterations,Cancellations)
营业税:sales tax
营业收入账户:revenue account
营业人销售额与税额申报书:Declaration of Sales and Business Tax by a Business Entity
营业人销货退回(进货退出)或折让证明单:Certificate of Sales/Purchases Returns or Allowances on Merchandise Sold/Purchased by a Business Entity
营业人使用电子计算器统一发票申请书:Application Form for the Use of Computer Uniform Invoices by Business Entities
营业人申请由总机构汇总申报进销项媒体数据申请书:Application Form for the Consolidated Filing of Input/Output via Electronic Media by the Headquarters of Business Entities
营业人申报适用零税率销售额清单:List of Sales for Goods and Services Sold by a Business Entity at zero-tax-rate
营业人申报固定资产退税清单:List of Fixed Assets for Tax Refund Claimed by Business Entity
营业人媒体申报申请书:Application Form for Filing via Electronic Media
营业人:Business Entity
营业开支:operating expenses
营业净收入:net income from operation
营业间接成本:overhead costs