宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件:cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death
宣传限制:Publicity restriction
宣城市银河洁具有限责任公司:Galaxy Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd.
宣布宵禁:delare a curfew;place(some area)under curfew
宣布破产:declaration of bankruptcy
蓄势而发:accumulate strength for a take-off
续订订单:a repeat order
叙述证券:narrative notes
许可银行:LB licensed bank
许可退货发价:offer on sale or return
需要出具拒绝证书:to be protested
需求拉动通货膨胀理论:theory of demand-pull inflation
需求拉动通货膨胀:demand pull inflation
需求拉动的通货膨胀:Demand-pull inflation
需求导向定价法:demand-oriented pricing
需求变动型通货膨胀:demand shift inflation
虚账户:nominal account
虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后:Modesty helps one go forward,whereas conceit makes one lag behind.
虚设行号:Bogus Business Entity
虚拟银行:Virtual banking
虚拟人:Virtual human
虚拟存款:window-dressing deposits
虚开增值税发票:write false value added tax invoices
虚假帐务:deceptive accounting
虚幻收入:phantom income
虚构抬头人:fictions payee
虚报盈利:inflate profits
虚报进项税额:Input Tax Falsely Reported
须纳税的收入:taxable income
修改信用证:to amend a credit
修改权:revision rights
休闲阅读:leisure reading
熊市;股市行情看淡:Bear market
熊市,淡市:bear market
匈牙利特瑞兰有限公司:Kerox Multipolar II Kft.
性骚扰:Sexual Harassment
性能优越:superior performance
性能无与伦比:unequal in performanc
性能可靠:reliable performance
性别歧视:gender discrimination
性别比例失衡:the imbalance of sex ratio
型刨:bead plane
形象小姐/先生:image representative of a product or a brand
形象广告:image advertisement
形象工程:image project
形象定价:image pricing