行政罚款:administrative punishment
行政罚金:administrative penalty
行政处理:administrative disposal
行政处罚决定书:written decision of administrative penalty
行政处罚的听证程序:procedure on hearing of administrative penalties
行政处罚的简易程序:summary procedures for administrative penalties
行政处罚:administrative punishment
行政程序违法:infraction of administrative procedure
行政程序立法:administrative procedure legislation
行政裁判所:administration judicatory
行政裁判:administrative judges
行政裁定书:administrative ruling in writing
行政裁定:Administrative Adjudication
行政安排:administrative arrangement
行政/行动非委任官:NCO Ops/Logistics
行业吸引力-业务地位矩阵:industry attractiveness-business position matrix
行业结构调整:optimal industry structural adjustment
行业/主题基金:Sector/Theme Fund
行业,营业范围,经营种类:line of business
行销世界:to be distributed all over the world
行为心理管理组组长:Officer-in-Charge Emergency Behaviour Management Section
行为扫描信息源公司:Behavior Scan Information Resources Inc.
行为模拟:behavior simulation
行为锚定等级评价法:behavior anchored rating scales
行为罚:Punishment for Violating the Duty to Act
行为层级:behavioural hierarchies
行头:dress of drama
行使否决权:exercise the veto
行李暂存处:cloak room
行李标签:baggage slip,baggage tag
行动组组长:Office-in-Charge Ops Section
行动主任:Head Operations
行动值勤员:Duty Operations Officer
行动支配组:Operations Control Branch
行动支配主任:Head Operations Control
行动支配高级执行员:SO Operations Control
行动支配副主任:Deputy Head Operations Control
行动事务员:Operations Officer
行动控制中心科长:Head Operations Centre
行动局长:Director Operations
行动及情报主任:Head Operations & Intelligence
行动及培训组:Operations and Training Branch
行动及培训主任:Head Operations & Training
行动及保安主任:Head Operations & Security
行动管理主任:Head Operations Management