期货经纪:Futures Brokerage
期货介绍经纪:futures introducing broker
期货交易商:futures dealer
期货交易顾问:futures trading adviser
期货交易;远期交易:forward trading
期货或期权结算所:futures or options clearing house
期货合约市值;期约市值:futures contract value
期货合约期权;期货期权:option on a futures contract
期货合约交易:dealing in futures contracts
期货顾问:futures adviser
期货购买:forward purchase
期货非结算交易商:futures non-clearing dealer
期货对盘程序:futures crossing procedure
期货独立结算交易商:futures individual clearing dealer
期初库存:prior inventory
期初结余:opening balance
七大工业国元首:Group of Seven leaders
普通划线:general crossing
普通股股本:ordinary share capital
普通拨款令:general warrant
普及特惠制(普惠制):generalized system of preference
破坏性影响:destructive influence
破产清盘法:law of insolvency
破产欠薪保障基金委员会:Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund Board
破产欠薪保障基金:Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund
破产解除令:order of discharge
破产管理署:Official Receiver's Office
凭票即付形式,无记名形式:Bearer Form
评税通知书:notice of assessment
评税及缴纳税款通知书:Notice of Assessment and Demand for Tax
评估后价值:Assessed Value
评定及缴纳补加税款通知书:Notice of Assessment and Demand for Additional Tax
平均总体内部回报率:overall average internal rate of return
平均时期:Average Life
平均年度增长率:Average Annual Growth Rate
平均年度回报率:Average Annual Return
平均每月成交额:average monthly turnover
平均价格买入期权权:Average Price Call
平均价格出售期权:Average Price Put
平衡投资策略:Balanced Investment Strategy
平仓;轧平差额:square position
平安险;单独海损不赔:free of particular average
票据发行融通:note issuance facility
票据的发行及循环式包销融通:note issuance and revolving underwriting facility