剑嘴鹛:Xiphirhynchus superciliaris
剑叶朱蕉:Cordyline australis
剑鸻:Charadrius hiaticula
建築垃圾:building rubble
建築材料:building material
建筑装修(装饰)公司:BuildingDecoration Company
建筑装修(装饰)工程公司:BuildingDecoration Engineering Company
建筑设计及其理论:Architectural Design and Theory
建筑界限规:track clearance
建筑技术科学:The science of building technology
建筑基础公司:BuildingFoundation Company
建筑规范规定:specified by building code
建筑服务部:Architectural Services Department
建筑材料供应公司:BuildingMaterial Supply Company
建筑材料公司:BuildingMaterial Company
建筑材料服务公司:BuildingMaterial Service Company
建筑、测量及都市规划界功能界别:"architectural,surveying and planning functional constituency"
建造、测量及都市规划界界别分组:"architectural,surveying and planning subsector"
建议选区:proposed constituency
建设部门:Buildings Department
建设部:Ministry of Construction
建设标准委员会:Construction Standards Committee
建港协会:Association for a Better Hong Kong
建港社有限公司:Kin Kong Society Limited
建材贸易公司:BuildingMaterial Trading Company
见票即付,即期:at sight
见票后照付:after sight
簡易分析:brief analysis
碱性电炉法:basic electric process
碱性贝寒麦炼钢法:basic bessemer process
碱矽反应:alkali-silica reaction
碱式碳酸铝:aluminum carbide
碱式醋酸锌:Zinc Acetate Basic
简支桥:Simple supported bridge
简支承:simple supporting
简易压力计:simple gage
简易太阳屏:simplex solar shield
简易连续式系统:simple progressive system
简易U管压力计:simple U-tube gage
简式提单:short form B/L,short form bill of lading
简式平压塔:simple surge tank
简明信用证:straight letter of credit
简化泥浆处理:simplify mud treatment
简单整群抽样:Simple cluster sampling
简单手动制:simple manual system
简单路面:small sett paving