经济事务委员会(临时立法会):Panel on Economic Services [Provisional Legislative Council]
经济史:history of economics
经济模型:economical model
经济困难:financial difficulties
经济服务局:Economic Services Bureau
经济参赞:Economic Counselor
经济部中央标准局:Bureau of Central Standard,MOEA
经济部投审会:the Investment Commission,MOEA
经济部商业司:Civil Services of Doc,MOEA
经济部商品检验局:Bureau of Commodity Standards,MOEA
经济部工业局:the Industrial Development Bureau,MOEA
经济/金融:Economics / Finance
经过港埠:transit port
经甫泛树蛙:Polypedates chenfui
京酱炸云吞:Sweet and sour fried won ton
京酱肉条:Shredded pork in brown sauce
京酱肉丝:Sauted meat shreds with soy bean paste
京都酸辣汤:Hot and sour soup
京都排骨:Braised sparerib with sauce
京葱全鸭:Braised duck with green scallion
京葱扒鸭:Braised duck with scallion
京菜扒鸭:Braised duck with cabbage
京北酥鱼肉:Northern crispy fish fillet
禁止滞留:restricted waiting
禁止暂停:stopping restricted
禁止通过:no thoroughfare
禁止停车:no parking,Prohibitory Parking,stopping prohibition
禁止驶入:no entry
禁止黄金出口:embargo on the export of gold
禁止掉头:no turns
禁止超越:keep in line;no overhead
禁区:forbidden zone
禁毒宣传:publicity against drugs
浸渍绝缘纵纸:impregnating insulation paper
浸水密度:buoyat density,ρ
浸水單位重:Submerged unit weight
浸湿砖:steeping brick
浸湿功:immersion wetting work
浸泡测试:Soak Test
进张:drawing a useful tile
进修教育:continuing education
进行性脊髓性肌萎缩:progressive spinal muscular atrophy
进行性多灶性白质脑病:progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
进行性[脑]卒中:progressive stroke
进行波:translatory wave
进水闸侧墙:side wall of headeate