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排沙速度:the rate of sand discharge
拼装测量:fixing survey
喷漆工艺:spraying technology
配气凸轮:Valve cam
平台参数:platform parameters
平均雨强:average rainfall intensity
频率稳定:frequency stability
配置建议:configuration suggestion
频繁序列:frequent sequence
平房文化:bungalow culture
片区规划:District planning
平台改装:platform rebuilding
频率校正:frequency correction
旁瓣抑制:sidelobe suppression
评议客体:the object of criminal appraisal
喷动特性:spouting characteristics
配线方法:track layout method
配筋砌体:reinforced masonry
平均电流:average current
破解参数:challenge parameters
毗邻建筑:adjacent buildings
平台框架:platform framework
铺装方案:paving scheme
平衡解吸:equilibrium desorption
排水立管:vertical stack
匹配计算:matching computation
铺排形态:colorful form
普通路基:ordinary embankment
平均流速:average flow velocity
频响特性:frequency response characteristics
膨胀模型:expansive model
破损参数:breaking parameter
频器维修:Inverter maintaining
片状岩芯:schistose core
频率指纹:Frequency identification
平直度仪:hot flatness gauge
排序模型:scheduling model
盘形制动:disc braking
膨化制浆:explosion pulping
品牌课程:Brand course
平方损失:quadratic loss
配风方式:air distribution mode
配网保护:distribution network protection
平差程序:net adjustment system
平行粘结:parallel bond model
平面刚度:plane rigidity
炮兵侦察:Artillery Reconnaissance
偏磷酸铜:copper metaphosphate
评定办法:evaluation methods
页码:97281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295 296297298299300: