2551 跑道抢修:rapid runway repair
2552 实践科学观:view of praxis-based science
2553 现代经验主义:modern empirism
2554 可持续发展文化:culture of sustainable development
2555 网络行为失范:net behavior anomie
2556 后发工业国:latter-industrial countries
2557 后来者诅咒:curse to the late comer
2558 遗留赘物:inherited hangover
2559 历史-社会学:sociology of history
2560 核心信念:central belief
2561 还原论论证:argument of reductionism
2562 问题奶粉事件:milk formula scandal
2563 主体性存在方式:mode of exist of subjectivity
2564 对立关系:opposite relations
2565 思维方式创新:innovation on thinking way
2566 整体优化律:law of holistic optimization
2567 自觉生态:Conscious Ecosystem
2568 最优更换策略:optimal replacement policy
2569 科学与性别:science and gender
2570 技术过程论:process theory of technology
2571 技术论:technology theory
2572 技术形态论:form theory of technology
2573 计算性质:Compute character
2574 一阶最优收费:first order best toll
2575 链接度:link degree
2576 战场目标打击:battlefield targets strike
2577 D-S证据合成:D-S synthesizing
2578 自适应动态寻优:self-adaptive dynamic optimzing
2579 李约瑟难题Ⅰ:Needham puzzle Ⅰ
2580 世界Ⅲ原型:world Ⅲ prototype
2581 BCMP排队网络:BCMP queuing network
2582 多类边缘分布分析:multi-class marginal distribution analysis
2583 哲学回归:philosophy return
2584 正交泛函网络:Orthogonal functional networks
2585 方差贡献率:variance devoting rates
2586 帕斯卡概率:Pascal probability
2587 科学的主观性:Subjectivity of science
2588 科学形象:Image of Science
2589 地外科学:Extraterrestrial Science
2590 科学的非完备性:Non-perfectibility of Science
2591 科学理论观:View of scientific theory
2592 离散灰色预测DGM(1,1)模型:discrete grey forecasting model
2593 新陈代谢离散灰色预测MDGM(1,1)模型:metabolism discrete grey forecasting model
2594 指控资源动态规划组织:task-oriented agile command and control organization
2595 任务逻辑关系转换:conversion of logic relationship of tasks
2596 网络演化模型:network evolving model