2201 语境论的世界观:a contextualistic worldview
2202 科学类比:scientific analogy
2203 儒学独尊:orthodoxy of Confucianism
2204 DGM(2,1)模型:DGM(2,1) model
2205 级比压缩变换:stepwise compression transformation
2206 自然科技资源共享立法:Natural Science & Technology Resources Sharing legislation
2207 自然科技资源共享条例:Natural Science & Technology Resources Sharing regulation
2208 管理和服务机构:management and service agencies
2209 区间二型模糊系统:interval type-2 FLS
2210 个体特征识别:Individual Feature Identification
2211 决策有效性评价:Evaluation of Decision Effectiveness
2212 个体标准:Individual Criterion
2213 有效性评价体系:Effectiveness Evaluation System
2214 界面协调机制:Interface Coordination Mechanism
2215 协调阀值:Coordination Threshold
2216 SEIRS模型:SEIRS model
2217 整合前提:the premise of integration
2218 通讯保密装备:encryption equipment
2219 复杂性思想:complex thought
2220 牛顿光学:Newtonian optics
2221 空间量知觉:the perception of spatial magnitude
2222 有意识的精神场:the conscious mental field
2223 精神一元论:mental monism
2224 普罗米修斯神话:Prometheus myth
2225 缺陷存在:flaw existence
2226 代具:substitute technology
2227 产业嵌入:the industrial inserting
2228 "三化"机理:the three mechanisms
2229 行动中的关系本体论:relationist ontology in action
2230 获奖谱系:genealogy of three generation of Japanese physicists
2231 日本物理学:physics in Japan
2232 底线标准:bottom-line standard
2233 民主策略:the democracy strategy
2234 科技进步异化:progresses alienation of technology and science
2235 前沿知识:current knowledge
2236 民主性规范:democratic norm
2237 有组织怀疑主义规范:organized skepticism norm
2238 质量概念:the concept of quality
2239 质量实践:quality practice
2240 群体流动:crowd moving
2241 类别判定:category judgement
2242 分析还原论:analytic reductionism
2243 最大信息流原理:maximum information flux principle
2244 内涵型:Connotation type
2245 白化响应式:White response
2246 装甲兵指挥系统:Armored command system
2247 总体任务可靠性:General mission reliability
2248 DEA聚类模型:DEA cluster model
2249 一报还一报策略:tit-for-tat tactics
2250 极大不相关:infinite irrelevance