1451 灰色随机变量:grey random variable
1452 苏联科学史:The history of science of USSR
1453 小世界性:small-world property
1454 有限与无限:finite and infinite
1455 诺贝尔奖得主:Nobel prize winner
1456 诺贝尔物理奖:Nobel Prize of Physics
1457 历史理性:history rationality
1458 中国物理学会:Chinese Physical Society
1459 古代技术:ancient technology
1460 科学争论:scientific controversies
1461 后现代转向:postmodern turn
1462 科学与哲学:science and philosophy
1463 理论检验:theoretical test
1464 平均发展速度:average tempo
1465 关联论:Theory of Relevance
1466 实证科学:positive science
1467 科学修辞学:the rhetoric of science
1468 科学史学史:history for the history of science
1469 安德逊模型:anderson model
1470 主方程方法:master equation
1471 群体评价:Group Appraising
1472 技术认识论:technology epistemology
1473 动力学复杂性:Dynamic complexity
1474 科学中性:neutrality of science
1475 平均首达时:mean first passage time
1476 20世纪40年代:1940 s
1477 管理本质:management essence
1478 当代科学:contemporary science
1479 科学自由:science freedom
1480 人名翻译:name translation
1481 科学思维方法:scientific thought method
1482 科学乌托邦主义:scientific utopianism
1483 杨泉:Yang Quan
1484 院系调整:adjustment of colleges and departments
1485 系统整体性:systematic entirety
1486 玄学派:metaphysical poets
1487 马克思理论:Marx's Theory
1488 思想根源:ideological origin
1489 研讨厅:hall for workshop of meta-synthetic engineering
1490 人文方法:humanities method
1491 人文维度:humanistic dimension
1492 逻辑相关性:logical relevance
1493 规范自然主义:normative naturalism
1494 经济和谐发展:economic harmonious development
1495 逻辑分析方法:logic analysis method
1496 世界伦理:World Ethic
1497 重农抑商:stressing agriculture and restraining commerce
1498 戊戌维新:the reform of 1898
1499 科学史教育:scientific history education
1500 浮士德精神:Faustian Spirit